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Glen Park Gospel Church


Welcome to the Glen Park Gospel Church in Eltham Victoria Australia. Within these pages you can learn a little about who and where we are, our community & ministry involvement, and even some things about our history.

The Editorial page forms the tip of a huge archive of articles published since 1995. There is also a growing collection of Bible study material available for download.

Did we mention Missions? There is information and links for most of the Mission organisations that we support.


Living without Covid

Covid was the first event in history to affect the whole human world all at once; apart from Sin, apart from the great flood. Pandemic is one of the human fears that has been reckoned as a potential civilisation ending event. Think tanks had planned for what might be done to minimise its impact and the effort of the last few years to lock down societal interaction appeared to be an enactment of such a plan. At a purely human level it had seemed appropriate and was correct for us all to take part and help the effort.

Hindsight is usually a little clearer than foresight and a reckonning is due. Vaccination is of waning value as are the fallback precautions such as masks and distancing. As the virus loses potency it is now better for most of us to catch it than to avoid it. Human nature continues to be the worse ailment as we discuss, disect, point fingers and demand justice. While there is value in being analytical, there is no value in seeking recompense where recent societal travails can be accounted as due to ignorance, best intentions, reactive judgement. We all were guilty of most of these human vulgarities. So a reckoning is due, but be gentle and circumspect.

As with going into the pandemic, coming out of it there is still so much more that we do not know and must learn. Humanity's charge over our own morality is laid bare. Our desire to be like God in action is yet again proven inadequate. While stretching out our hand to control our own lives we keep proving that we remain dependent on God's grace. To avoid bickering over reparations, a better response now is to be helpful to eachother, seeking ways to give of ourselves, just as God does. Psalm 34:11-14.


Feature Attraction

Saviour, Shepherd, Sovereign

Editorial from the October newsletter, the Green Leaf, click here.

To see other stories published in the previous year, click here.

For the full list of archived editorial, click here.



 Who Are We  The where, who, and what of Glen Park
 Our History  80 Years Young
 Special Events  What's happening this month
 Editorial  Features, Thoughts, and Trivia
 Bible Studies  Learn what the Bible Says
 Read Your Bible  Read the whole Bible over Three Years
 Missions  We are a mission minded church
 Easter Pictorial  Photos of our 'Good Friday in the Park'
 Archive  All that we previously published on-line
 Contact  Get in Touch via E-mail
 Site Administration  A Site Map and Privacy Statement


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